Workplace Injury Lawyers.

You may also need to consider:

A potential return to work date and plan.

Decisions regarding your capacity to return to work should be guided by your treating doctor.
Your doctor should regularly assess your capacity to work and provide up to date Certificates of Capacity to the WorkCover insurer.

This will include your capacity to return to work as well as your ability to participate in any return to work plans.

Only once your treating doctor has stated that you are able to return to work on full or modified duties should you return to work.

An additional claim through your Super & TPD insurance

If you have a superannuation policy that includes cover for workplace injuries, you may be entitled to additional compensation.

Update your will

After a workplace injury event, it can be wise to update your will (or draft your first will). Our Wills team can offer you a complimentary review of your will. Bring it your first appointment or use our online tool and have it reviewed by a lawyer.

Resources & FAQs

Answers to common questions in
relation to the expertise.

Basile v Pugh [2024] VSCA 280

The judgment of the Court of Appeal in Basile v Pugh was delivered on 22 November 2024. This was an unsuccessful appeal by the Plaintiff against a decision by His Honour Judge Purcell in the County Court denying leave to extend time under Section 23A LAA in a TAC claim.

Major Changes to WorkCover entitlements

Despite objections and in the face of recommendations published by an independent enquiry, the State Government passed the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment Act 2024 on Wednesday 13 March 2024.

Video: Making a WorkCover claim – helping you through the process

In this short video, Lisa Paul provides background on the WorkCover claims process and sets out what you may be entitled to claim.