Lisa Paul

Principal Lawyer.
Accredited Specialist
Injury Law

Lisa is a principal lawyer in the personal injury team at Robinson Gill.

An Accredited Specialist in Injury Law, Lisa is a veteran advocate with extensive experience across the full spectrum of personal injury matters. Driven by a particular interest in cases on behalf of those injured in the course of their work, she specialises in worker’s compensation matters, however she is equally as passionate about TAC and public liability claims.


Support after an injury

When you’ve suffered an injury, there’s a lot to process. Medical appointments and treatment can be stressful, time consuming and expensive.  Experienced legal support and guidance is essential to allow you to focus on your recovery.

With countless successful claims under her belt, Lisa knows that there is far more to the post-injury process than simply filling out paperwork. Taking the time to listen closely to every individual’s story, she takes a holistic view of the full picture. A formidable litigator if entitlement disputes or damages claims arise, Lisa also manages everything needed to secure peace of mind for her clients - from lodging WorkCover claims to ensuring an appropriate amount of pain and suffering compensation is awarded for a slip and fall.

Communication is Lisa’s strength, ensuring that her clients are fully informed about their rights, entitlements, potential costs payable and outcomes. Lisa believes that better outcomes are achieved when the time is taken to fully explain each aspect of the case.

An advocate with integrity

With over 20 years in practice Lisa understands that what elevates a good personal injury practice to an exceptional one is integrity and care - both of which she delivers in spades. Taking a forthright, collaborative approach, she prides herself on working with not only her clients, but insurers, medical professionals, opponents and the courts with utmost integrity.

An active participant in the constantly evolving world of personal injury law, Lisa’s work does not stop in the courtroom. As a long-standing member of both the Law Institute of Victoria Workers Compensation committee and the Australian Lawyers Alliance State Committee, she regularly contributes to advocacy efforts pushing for policy and law reforms.


  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Arts


  • Law Institute of Victoria
  • Australian Lawyers Alliance

More from Lisa.

I was injured in a car accident, but I wasn’t doing the right thing. Am I still eligible for TAC benefits?

It may come as a surprise that under the Victorian Transport Accident scheme, everyone injured in a transport accident is entitled to benefits from the TAC, even if the accident was their own fault. Further, those convicted of a driving offence are restricted from some entitlements but are always entitled to claim medical and like expenses.
Learn more

Major Changes to WorkCover entitlements

Despite objections and in the face of recommendations published by an independent enquiry, the State Government passed the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment Act 2024 on Wednesday 13 March 2024.
Learn more