Why Should I Make a Will?

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online will

Use our new online tool to create fast, convenient online wills and powers of attorney in 3 easy steps to help protect your loved ones.

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What You Need to Know Before Creating a Will

Creating a will is a fundamental step in managing your estate and ensuring that your wishes are honoured after your passing. This article aims to equip you with the essential knowledge required to create a will that accurately reflects your intentions.

Understanding “childbirth maintenance”– when must a father contribute to pregnancy expenses?

Where parents of a child are not married, section 67B of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) imposes an obligation on fathers to contribute towards ‘childbirth maintenance’.

Different Types of Wills: Choosing the Right One for Your Needs

When thinking about the future, preparing a will is a crucial step in ensuring your wishes are honoured. In Australia, there are several types of wills, each catering to different needs and circumstances. Understanding these differences is vital in choosing the right will for your situation.